Rose Border #679
“Rose Border” is from the ongoing papercutting project that I’ve been doing. (Basically I’m trying to work my way through all of the designs in the “922 Decorative Vector Ornaments” book by Dover Books.)
Today’s design is number 679 in the book. And it was easy to come up with a title.

Closer up:

Wow – I really like this one! I love the design, and I’m also pleased with the way the actual papercutting turned out, as well.
Despite that though, I’m not sure I would use this design again in a real project. I prefer to cut ‘positive’ objects from black paper, rather than cutting ‘negative’ shapes out of the white paper. It’s still a good skill to develop though, cutting negative shapes. I might come up with some stencils – e.g. for creating designs for cake icing.
This one took a couple of hours to cut. I used a fresh blade, and it made a lot of difference. The cutting was a lot easier and I made hardly any mistakes.
In the background I’ve been continuing to listen to the audiobook of Duskfall by Christopher Husberg. The story’s OK, but I find that the narration is really grating on my ears, because of the accent that the narrator uses for some of the characters. It’s like a fake-sounding “Oirish” accent.
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