Where can I buy replacement scalpel (x-acto) blades in the UK?
(Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you’d like to know more, please check out the small print page…)
My ongoing papercutting project continues, where I’m trying to adapt all 922 images from the book “922 Decorative Vector Ornaments“, to make them into papercutting designs, and then cut them out by hand. (Oh alright – for accuracy’s sake, I’m cutting them out with a scalpel, not my hand.) But in order to do that I need a constant supply of fresh, sharp scalpel blades. And if I’m going to cut 922 designs, then I will need 100+ replacement scalpel blades.

I haven’t found anywhere to buy them locally, so I need to buy them online. And it looks like the only way to buy blades economically is to order them in bulk. So I normally do a search on Amazon or Ebay.
But Amazon and Ebay sellers come and go all the time, and so do their products. Therefore I’ll try to keep updating this page whenever I find a supplier of 100+ replacement X-Acto / scalpel blades.
In the meantime, here are the latest links I’ve found:
As I mentioned above, suppliers keep changing, and so I don’t think these are the exact same replacement blades that I am currently using. But when I do run out of my current supply, this is the kind of search that I will be running, and these are the kind of blades that I will be buying.
Are you a supplier of replacement blades, or do you know of a good source? If so, please give me a shout! You can let me know via the comments section or Contact page, or Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.