(Still working on the papercutting project where I’m adapting and hand-cutting my way through the designs in the “922 Decorative Vector Ornaments” book.) This week is a really tiny and fiddly design, of a vine and leaves.
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Leaves and Vine Papercutting K112
Design number 112 from the book is a simple-looking image, but because it’s so small it was really tricky to cut.

Unlike the previous (owl) design, I didn’t tidy up the piece after I’d cut it, and so it’s got loads of ‘threads’ hanging off it, and has gone a bit thin in one section of the vine. But that is only when you see the piece really close up. When I just look at it without any magnification, it seems fine.
Closer up:

So yeah – I could definitely tidy it up a lot more, but I think I’ll just leave it as it is for now, because I still like the design.
Any comments about the design, or advice about the cutting? You can chip in via the comments page, or Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.