Mini Nouveau Leaf #635
This “Mini Nouveau Leaf” is from the ongoing papercutting project that I’ve been undertaking for aaaaages. (Trying to work my way through all of the designs in the “922 Decorative Vector Ornaments” book by Dover Books.)
Today’s design is number 635 in the book. It’s yet another mini leaf design, and yet another Art Nouveau style motif, so that’s why I’ve given it that title. I really am going to run out of names for the mini leaf designs, soon.

Closer up:

Because the leaf is so small, the imperfections look worse when the image is enlarged, but all the same I like this one. It was quick to cut and I’m partial to Art Nouveau type designs anyway.
I can definitely see myself using this motif in another project one day. Maybe it would work well as a border, with multiple copies of the leaf being used.
Today in the background I’ve been listening to another audiobook from the library. It’s the third book in the Pathways Tree series, “The Princess and the Orrery” by F.D. Lee. I’m not enjoying it as much as the previous two yet, but hopefully it will start to move all of the subplots forward soon.
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