Flower and Fleur de Lys Papercut Design
This design is from my ongoing papercutting project (where I’m trying to work my way through all of the designs in the “922 Decorative Vector Ornaments” book.) It’s a fairly simple flower-and-fleur-de-lys papercut design, and this one is number 703 in the book.
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I still need to cut the square edges more so it’s symmetrical, but on the whole I think I did an OK job:

Closer up:

Even close up I’m quite satisfied with the cutting of this one, for a change. The lines aren’t too jagged, the straight bits are straight, and the curved sections are curved.
It’s a nice simple design, and I like the heraldic-looking elements. I can see myself using parts of this design in future projects.
While I did the cutting I was listening to Sarah Pascoe’s Sex, Power, Money (as an audiobook). Very interesting book. It’s not actually the sort of book I would usually read or listen to, but I’ve been binge-listening to so many audiobooks recently that I’ve run out of my normal reading matter. It’s definitely opened my eyes (or ears, I suppose!) to a lot of issues…
So what started out as a therapeutic papercutting project, ended up including some interesting lessons in human nature as well.