Filigree Valentine heart woodcut by LaserSister - Kay Vincent

Filigree Valentine Heart Woodcut

Following on from yesterday’s papercut Valentine heart design, I have now cut the same design, to get a filigree Valentine heart woodcut:

Filigree Valentine heart woodcut by LaserSister - Kay Vincent

Here is a YouTube video of me cutting it with the laser machine (an Epilog Fusion Edge).

I’m really pleased with how these look – either as papercuts or from wood, and at small or large scale.

In fact, I’m so pleased with the design that I’m going to put it for sale on my shop. Woohoo! Or rather, Woo Commerce!

While cutting this I was listening to the audiobook of Joanna Penn’s newly-released “How to Write Non-Fiction” (second edition). There are a LOT of useful tips in there, which I will hopefully be putting into practice later this year. I am feeling very creative at the moment, and so 2025 seems like I might be able to plan ahead far enough to actually start achieving some goals.

I’ve got loads of projects and designs that I’m working on, so I hope they all turn out as well as this design. This is what the filigree hearts look like when they’ve been cut out and are hanging up on a wall:

Filigree Valentine heart woodcut by LaserSister Kay Vincent

Do you like the design? Could I improve it? Let me know in the comments below!

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