Bumpy Border #637
“Bumpy Border” is from the ongoing papercutting project that I’ve been doing. (Basically I’m trying to work my way through all of the designs in the “922 Decorative Vector Ornaments” book by Dover Books.)
Today’s design is number 637 in the book:

Closer up:

This one is not the most interesting of all the designs in the book. In fact, it’s so boring that I only cut a shortened version of the (very repetitive) design. I knew that if I had the skills to cut 15 of those little bumps at the top, then I would have the skills to cut 150 (etc…).
The other thing about this piece was that I made a mistake and accidentally ripped a piece of it. Ooops.
I can’t even remember what I was listening to while I was cutting the piece. On the other hand at least it didn’t take long to cut, so I was able to move onto the next piece very quickly. And strangely enough, I think I can actually see myself using this design in future projects precisly because it’s so boring and straightforward.
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