(Free downloadable laser-cutting resource file of a Christmas tree bauble shape that can be personalised by etching it with a name, date, image, etc.)
Quick! Christmas is coming! (*or not, if you’re reading this in February.) The whole world is trying to cash in on it join in with the festivities. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just relax for a moment and create a quick and easy laser-cut Christmas tree decoration (or room/door/window decoration, if you make it bigger) without having to put any time or effort into designing one for yourself? Well, that’s what this free downloadable SVG file is for. Download it, open it in your graphics package, insert a name, then cut it from your preferred wood or acrylic. Hey presto – you’ve got a quick Christmas tree decoration. You’re welcome 🙂
To find out how to create your own from scratch then here’s a tutorial showing how to create the bauble design.
Licenses and copyright:
Please feel free to make multiple copies and to sell any items you create with this shape – BUT:
- Copyright remains with Kay Vincent (me)
- Please attribute me as the copyright owner
- Do not distribute or sell the actual design or file (e.g. by uploading it to stock image sites or using it in collections of clip-art)
- If unsure what any of that means, feel free to ask 🙂
It’s very quick and easy to cut from sheet of wood (e.g. 3mm laser-grade plywood), and makes a great (fast!) gift.
The downloadable file is a PDF file, but if you prefer a different format then I have also posted the design on Vectorstock.com as a free-for-personal-use file in various different formats.
Any comments or suggestions?
I hope you found this resource useful. If you can think of any more tutorials or designs that you’d like to see in future then please let me know. You can use the comments section or the ‘Contact Us’ page, or interact via the social media buttons.
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